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Client Spotlight


**Yottaa has been acquired.

We talked to founder Richard Stendardo to learn more about Yottaa in January 2020…

Tell us about your company. What problem are you trying to solve?

In the age of Amazon, everything is fast. In order to effectively compete, brands must not only have sites that load quickly, they also need to differentiate themselves through better shopper experiences by adding distinctive imagery and eCommerce technologies to their sites.

Leading brands rely on Yottaa to accelerate and optimize the loading of 3rd party eCommerce technologies, high resolution images, and other website elements, resulting in up to 60% web performance improvements and up to 20% increases in online conversion.


How did your company get started?

YOTTAA was founded in 2009 by veteran technologists who saw two trends on a collision course: traditional “websites” were rapidly becoming more complex and sophisticated (and as a result, slow) – and online shoppers were becoming more and more impatient when waiting for slow web pages to load.


Why is your team well positioned to solve the problem you’re tackling?

Our team thinks about site performance differently than other companies trying to solve this problem. We think about it from the end-user standpoint, as well as the application standpoint, and focus on optimizing both. Other solutions focus on optimizing only the back end infrastructure, but these approaches have been tried for years without much success. Thinking about how applications are built and really understanding site performance problems from a different perspective, as well as how the users are interacting with the web applications, allows us to optimize eCommerce sites better than other solutions.


What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned along the way?

We’ve learned the importance of putting our customers first, and going above and beyond what a typical SaaS application provides. We think of ourselves as mission-critical software for a brand, so we try to be an extension of our clients’ teams and help as much as possible wherever possible. When a brand purchases Yottaa, they’re not just buying the product; they’re buying our whole company and all of our expertise.


What resources do you rely on to help your company grow?

Our employees are one of our most valuable resources. We put a lot of effort into helping our employees grow and figure out how they can do better at their job and improve on what they’re doing, whether it’s promoting internally or training, etc.

One of our other most valuable resources is our customers and our relationships with their employees. It’s very rewarding to see that when one of our customer contacts moves on to another brand, they frequently come back to us and ask Yottaa to help them improve site performance at their new company.


Content supplied by third party service provider who is unaffiliated with Fidelity. Questions prompted by Fidelity with answers provided by third party.

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